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The project seeks to contribute to the reliability and timeliness of budget execution reports and to enhance public financial management skills. The project will achieve its objectives by the following components:
Component 1: Setting the foundations for a core public financial management system. This component would cover the implementation of a new financial management information system (FMIS), which includes the purchasing, customization, and installation of the application system software.
Component 2: Upgrading public financial management skills. The second component is envisaged to build a sustainable training program to build the necessary public financial management (PFM) capacity in the Ministry of Finance (MoF) and the staff from other government entities working on PFM-related issues
Component 3: Project Implementation and Change Management. Activities under this component will include technical assistance to the Project Implementation Unit (PIU) and support for project management.
"As this Project is rated Category C, no safeguard related studies are required"
International Development Association (IDA) US$ 20.00 million
1/World Bank
Fanny Weiner, Saysanith Vongviengkham
Sr Public Sector Mgmt. Spec.
Government of Lao PDR
3/Implementing Agencies
Ministry of Finance of Lao PDR
Contact: Dr. Bounleua Sinxayvoravong
Title: Director General
Fiscal Policy and Law Department
The World Bank
1818 H Street, NW Washington, D.C. 20433
Telephone: (202) 473-1000
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